How to overcome a Heart Break?

Hey, guys, I have been thinking a lot since many days to figure out the ways to overcome a heartbreak or how can an individual move on from a breakup. My life went from many ups and downs lately and I was like how do I handle these tough situations. I started staying alone and didn't know how to cope up. After few days of self-assessment and analysis, I introspected that I should stay busy so that my mind doesn't wander here and there. 

These are few ways which will definitely help in moving on :

1. Join Gym 

Are you frustrated? Are you angry? Are you annoyed? Do you want to cry? Do you feel weak? Do you feel lonely? Are you spoiling your life because of so called break up? If anyone of you can co-relate with these questions then my friend, you should definitely join the gym. 

How can joining gym help anyone? Well, if you join the gym then it's you who is going to be benefited. You'll stay healthy and busy. While you are working out you concentrate over an exercise particularly.

How can someone take out frustration, anger, etc.? An exercise is basically done in the various number of sets. Each set has some number of repetitions. If your limit is of 10 repetitions then do 11 repetitions. This is because when you give up valor that time you should recall all the frustration, anger, annoyance, irritation and vexation. Doing an extra rep will help you to kill apprehension.    

2. Ride vehicle at High Speed

If you have a vehicle, be it a bike or a car, ride it fast. Driving fast doesn't mean that you do the rash driving. If you rash drive, you not only risk your life but you also risk the life of other innocent people. What I am saying is if you drive fast then you are focused on achieving a particularly high speed. After achieving that speed, you feel like you have attained your goal. The accomplishment of attaining high speed feels very good & proficient and the satisfaction we get from it is way above the feeling of any heartbreak. Drive safe but FAST.

3. Talk as much as you can

Do not stay at home. Talk to as many people as you can. Indulge yourself in group discussions and lay down your thoughts. Basically, What I am trying to say is socialize yourself. Being in a relationship makes you less socialized, some of you might not agree but it is the bitter truth. If you are a male then talk to as many females you can or vice versa. Talking to someone from the opposite gender will again build your confidence and thereafter you can easily overcome the sadness. Never ever talk or think about your past relationship or your heartbreak. There are 2 reasons why I am saying this, first that no one can understand the amount of pain you are going through. Second, people are always set on making fun of you or your relationship. 

4. Watch your favorite TV series or Movie 

It will help you to shift your focus from your Ex to the entertainment. Entertainment is an important aspect of life. You'll stay motivated and boosted. Watch movie or tv series to enjoy not to divert your mind from your ex.

5. Quora

Quora is a question and answer site where questions can are asked, answered, edited and organised by its community of users. You will have to sign up on the website in order to gain access to its website or mobile application. Quora is a hub of knowledge, so, if you are sitting idle and wasting time by thinking about your ex, go to quora and enhance your knowledge. Invest time where you can gain something good

6. Listen to Music

Try and listen to electronic music. To sum, those who listen to the techno music (which is naturally defined by heavy bass) experienced increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and significant changes in the emotional states depending on the personality traits of the individual. Listening to electronic music reduces your emotional and calmness level. You start feeling good. Don't listen to this type of music for so long as it can cause headache. In general, I think individuals who have "sensation seeking" traits tend to react more positively to bass heavy music, and, while I don't have empirical data to support this, I believe heavy bass music, combined with other forms of auditory and visual stimulation (as is often present in raves and electronic concerts), basically make all the pleasure centers of the brain fire at once, and, for those individuals who enjoy electronic music, I think the heavier the bass, the heavier the emotional response. I think there is probably something to be said for heavy bass allowing our biometric rhythm to sync with the rhythm of the music on a higher level, but who knows. 

Avoid listening to romantic and sad songs because they will link you to those memories which you developed while listening to the song that time. 

I hope, it helps! I will add some more techniques soon to this blog. If you have some better techniques then mention them in the comment section below. 
