Best Chest Workout - Effective and immediate results

So are you a gym freak? Are you looking forward to nice physique?  Tell me something. Do you want to look dead-drop ecstatic with your shirts off on the beaches? If you're in the game to look great with stone slabs for a chest that gets women on their knees then you should have a look at the best chest exercises. The chest is one of the most observable parts of the men's body and it's better to have wider and broader chest.

Why have good looking Chest?

1. Adds Strength

Chest muscles or pecs not only provide movement and strength but also stability for shoulders and body's skeletal structure. With better chest, you can push heavy objects with fewer efforts. You can easily avoid shoulder injuries with the stronger chest. A tennis player with stronger chest or pecs can hit the ball with more strength and power. A boxer hits harder when he has a stronger chest.

2. Improves Appearance

Well, defined chest muscles improve overall appearance. Not only you look good and smarter in clothing but also look good in the bathing suit. Most of the men believe nicely shaped chest will make them look stronger.

Exercises for the Chest - Best Chest Workout Routine
The chest is made up of three muscles, upper chest muscles, middle chest muscles and lower chest muscles. To build a good looking chest we must work on all three chest muscles. There are many exercises to train these muscles but one should know which is the best exercise. Follow these exercises in the given sequence and see your chest muscles growing rapidly.

1. Push Ups (4 sets of 20-25 reps)

Push ups are basic strength building exercises that strengthen upper body and improve the core strength. Push ups primarily target chest muscles, secondarily they target arms, shoulders, triceps, neck and back muscles.

2. Incline Bench Press (4 sets - 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps and 6 reps)

Incline bench press targets the upper chest muscles. It is similar to flat bench press except that it is positioned at 45 degrees. This exercise helps in providing strength to the upper chest muscles and shoulders.

3. Incline Dumbbell Press (4 sets - 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps and 6 reps)

It is same as incline bench press exercise. The only difference is we exercise with the dumbbells. Doing the same type of exercise with dumbbells provides huge strength to upper chest and arms.

4. Decline Bench Press (4 sets - 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps)

Decline Bench Press is one of the most important exercises that is needed to be indulged in the routine because it targets the lower chest muscles. In order to have round, wide and defined chest one must not forget to do this exercise. This exercise brings out the lower cut of the chest.

5. Flat Bench Press (4 sets - 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps)

It targets the middle chest muscles. In order to have round and elevated chest one must do this exercise.

6. Chest Pull Over

This exercise not only works on the chest but also on the lats, intercostals and serratus anterior. Maximally developed intercostal muscles will give the illusion of bigger rib cage when taking a deep breath or holding a pose because the ribs are pulled up by the intercostal muscles.

These were the main 6 exercises that are beneficial for building a good chest. To give an idea of building other parts of the chest I am uploading an image which will guide you to do exercises for the particular part of chest.
